Won vs. Loss Options in Leads Management

Move from Leads to Students

By clicking the "Won" option, the lead's profile will be converted to a student's profile, and the associated data will be linked; Therefore, eliminating the need to enter the information manually.

How to locate the "Won" link to convert the lead's profile into a student's profile?

Note:: the "Won" option, along with other links will only become accessible after the lead is assigned to an employee.

1. Locate the lead from the list, and click on the green button located under the "Action" column.

2. A drop-down list will then appear, click on the "Won" button.


Working With the "Loss" option

Sometimes we win some, and we will lose some, but losing a lead doesn't mean that you have lost them forever. It may be because of circumstances that might prevent them from converting at the moment. In this situation, the lost button comes in super handy.

Unless the lead request to have their information deleted, you can file it away into the archive by clicking on the "Loss" option. Doing this will allow you to retarget the lead in the future.

How to locate the "Loss" link to archive the lead for future retargeting?

1. Locate the lead from the list, and click on the green button located under the "Action" column.

2. Click on the "Loss" link found directly under the "Won" link in the list of items.


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