Let students register and pay for classes & services online, 24/7.
Manage leads and students from a single hub. Stay up to date and in-sync with employees. No more missing out on messages, inquiries or new opportunities.
Convenience increases revenue. Easely turn on billing and start collecting payments online or manually create custom receipts & invoices to cash payments, all in one place.
Give clients the ability to register for classes, pay and take action online from a friendly self-service portal.
Support Center / Get Started With The Basics / Account Management / How to add or remove access from an user's account?
If you offer classes in another language, you can specify the language when creating or editing the class so that students know before registering for the class.
1. Log into your account to access the dashboard.
2. Click on the "System Settings" tab to extend the left menu.
3. Click on the "Language Management" link.
4. Enter the "Language" in the text-box, then click the "Add" button.
1. From the "System Settings" menu, click on the "Class & Service Management" tab.
2. Click on the "Edit" button for the class that you want to add the language.
3. Scroll to the bottom of the page and select the language from the drop-down list.
4. Click on the "Update" button to save the record.