Goals, most people have them; some of us in most areas of our lives and others just a few. Many people focus on work, others on family matters, many have economic goals, others focus on their life projects, some direct their efforts towards the academic field, projecting ourselves into the future.
Why are they important?
As human beings, we not only require purposes to exist, but we also need to define the paths and tools we will use to get where we want to go. Some of us may be very clear about what we want, but not about achieving it.
There are many aspirations to fulfill, but it’s our goals, it’s what keeps our feet on the ground and when we dimension it within the business world, it becomes a crucial tool to know where we are, the resources we have, and where to direct them to achieve our goals.
Setting Goals in your business
Whether it’s in short, or long-term goals, setting goals in our organization will allow our whole team to know what they need to do to contribute to the company’s growth and work cohesively to succeed.
Establishing goals will help us develop effective action plans, quantify the team’s performance, and execute continuous improvement processes to achieve desired figures, market presence, and growth.
Very aware of it and looking for your company’s well-being and comfort, Steams Online offers you a Goal Setting Feature directly linked to your Leads, an indispensable factor for your business’s growth.
With this feature, we want to give you the possibility to set any goal by arranging specific dates, figures, assigning them to your team, updating their status, and getting to know the way their progress.
In addition to that, we want you to know how to properly set your business goals because far from being words, we want them to become facts.
How to define Relevant Goals?
Whether you run your own business or planning to have one in the future, goal setting will give consistency about where you are and where you need to be.
Mindtools.com shares with us the Golden Rules of Goal Setting, which are considered incredibly accurate for business matters:
1. Set Goals That Motivate You
Focusing your efforts on something you are passionate about, like your business, will motivate you to keep going, being strong enough to face any adversity.
2. Set Smart Goals
– Specific.
– Measurable.
– Attainable.
– Relevant.
– Time-Bound.
3. Set Specific Goals
Goals should always be specific and very well defined. When they are not, many times, finding the right path to reach them can become a problem that might end our desire to continue.
4. Set Measurable Goals
Defining figures and dates will allow you to have a clearer perception of your current situation and where you want to head, putting you onto “achieving your goals full power mode.”
In the end, once you achieve your objective, you can feel proud of what you and your team have accomplished and look forward to new and heftier goals.
On Steams Online Platform, you can set up figures and define dates for any goal you have.
5. Set Attainable Goals
Be realistic about your capabilities and those of your team. It’s not about setting some magical, surreal goals; Instead, it’s about knowing that you will be able to get to them.
Some rules of our own
6. Keep your Goals very present:
Writing down your goals is vital, but how about contributing to the environment by not using paper; instead, you can set Goals on your Steams Online platform, which will help you to better track progress and finally achieve them.
7. Don’t stress out.
Achieving a goal requires a lot of commitment and responsibility.
However, don’t forget that you’re human, and within your path, there will be challenges; on good or bad days, there is always a lesson learned.
Don’t stress out; keep going. Business Journeys aren’t comfortable, but goal setting will keep you right on track.
8. You are not alone; Steams Online will be here for you. We live to make your job easier.
Get to enjoy the perks of our goal-setting feature and other tools here!